AIS Aunjai CYBER continues Edutainment strategy in partnership with KaiHuaRor Studio Creative cartoons provide both “Knowledge” and “laughs” about 8 essential digital skills Mission to make the Internet safer on “Safer Internet Day 2023”

Safer Internet Day is an occasion for the entire world to pay attention to issues arising from the use of the Internet and social media. It is a day when people from every sector are involved in creating awareness and looking at how to deal with the issues. AIS, as a provider of digital network services is committed to building cyber-immunity for the people of Thailand, and as such, is very much part of encouraging Thai people to use the Internet safely, with eight essential digital skills from the Aunjai Cyber course certified by the Ministry of Education. This keeps the Thai public one step ahead in browsing the online world safely. For Safer Internet Day this year, AIS Aunjai Cyber has teamed up with leading content creator KaiHuaRor Studio in an Edutainment strategy using digital skills for storytelling in the form of a cartoon, “Fell in love but couldn’t get up!” which is both fun and educational. It enables Thais to understand the digital skills required to use the Internet safely, and avoid any kind of cyber-threat.

Saichon Submakudom, Head of Public Relations at AIS explained, “Safer Internet Day is a day for everyone around the world to talk about safety and security as it relates to using the Internet. This year, AIS Aunjai Cyber is continuing to pioneer new channels of communicating with customers and the general public to use the Internet safely. We have partnered with KaiHuaRor Studio to present know-how about essential digital skills in the form of a cartoon. The Edutainment strategy lets us present the content in a humourous and accessible way, in the style of famed Thai cartoon publisher KaiHuaRor. This collaboration once again highlights our commitment to create an Thai Internet that is completely safe, which is the core mission of AIS Aunjai Cyber.”

The partnership between AIS Aunjai Cyber and KaiHuaRor Studio is focussed on showcasing the eight essential digital skills that all Thai people should acquire: 1) Skills to organize the display, 2) Managing personal cyber-safety, 3) Keeping up with the latest threats, 4) Understanding and filtering the online world, 5) Skills for Cyber-citizen identity, 6) Cyber-etiquette, 7) Managing privacy and 8) Managing online footprint. All eight digital skills are incorporated in the Aunjai Cyber course, and are now featured in the cartoon, “Fell in love but couldn’t get up!”, which is funny, educational and easy to understand.

Miss Pimpicha Utsahajit, Executive Director of Banlue Group, added, “At KaiHuaRor Studio, we have the belief that the Soft Power of cartoons and characters can be used to communicate with consumers, especially on issues affecting society such as social media and the Internet. Even now, many users can be naïve and fall victim to threats which may result in damage or loss for those individuals.

“We are delighted to be working with AIS in communicating a positive message and being a part of Safer Internet Day by developing content about skills and knowhow in the form of cartoon storytelling, something we are very good at. Besides making content useful to the Community of KaiHuaRor readers, the collaboration also illustrates our commitment to being part of the fight against cyber-threats and using the digital world for the greatest benefit.”

Watch the cartoon “Fell in love but couldn’t get up!” about essential digital skills on the Facebook pages of AIS on and KaiHuaRor on