The changes in the future job market and required skills, as well as the technology transformation in big data and artificial intelligence (AI) can create a multitude of new jobs but may also lead to the disappearance of several jobs causing a risk of inequality in labor skills and specialization. This poses challenges to organizations in terms of investing in employee skill development, recruitment, retaining talented employees, and renewing work processes utilizing the benefit of technology. AIS, placing importance on shifting the company towards a Cognitive Tech-Co, aims at promoting employees with a new mindset, skills, and capabilities to navigate business expansion, making them valuable contributors in the digital economy landscape.
Management Approach
AIS has established policies and operational guidelines in compliance with labor laws. AIS furthers business sustainability while fostering an organizational culture aligned to its business practices under the concept “FIT FUN FAIR”. Employees are encouraged to develop their skills in response to the digital challenges of the business.
Management strategy to enhance organizational efficiency and drive employees to unlock their full potential to increase the Company’s competitiveness through the 6Ss strategy.
Talent Attraction, Retention and Succession Plan
AIS is focusing on the following principles:
AIS has put in place a clear remuneration policy defining appropriate remuneration as stipulated by law. The appraisal criteria are based on the following framework:
Employee Potential Development through Work Culture and Lifelong Learning
AIS has adopted Ed Tech (Education Technology) to allow employees to learn via online and offline by using our learning digital platforms: LearnDi and, ReadDi online library, which serves as a hub featuring a wealth of new knowledge and skills, both soft and hard skills, and Technical Knowledge Management (TKM), which provides technical courses such as Cloud Competing, 5G, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for employees looking to enhance their core competencies to cater to AIS’ emerging digital businesses and future trends.
Employee Engagement
AIS considers employees to be the most valuable resource, comparable to the organization’s source of power. Therefore, recognition and response to employee expectations are what the Company has always given importance to. We conducted the survey to gather employee opinions and suggestions related to the corporate culture of “Fit Fun Fair”. The highlight project is AIS INNOJUMP consists of the following activities.
• The “Unlocking Your Creativity Workshop” is a learning module presented in the form of a short workshop, incorporating elements from the design thinking process.
• The AIS INNOJUMP Festival 2023 was an innovation event where AIS employees could submit their innovative ideas for a competition. Participants had the opportunity to pitch their ideas to a panel of judges and experts, including executives from various industries. Contestants had the chance of wining prizes and having their ideas turned into reality for the market.
• The AIS INNOJUMP Competition was an innovation idea contest open to all AIS employees, irrespective of their position or line of work.
The company conducts an Employee Engagement Survey every 2-3 years. The survey results from 2021 showed that 83% of employees participated. It revealed that 75% of our employees are engaged, which was higher than Thailand's average (70%), higher than global telecommunication’s average (62%), and higher than global IT’s average (61%). The survey results were communicated to employees through Human Resources Business Partner (HRBP) representatives responsible for various departments. This was to develop plans in collaboration with these departments to improve the work environment and organizational activities, making them more suitable to employees' needs. For 2024, the company is in the process of conducting an employee engagement survey and will disclose the results once the process is completed.
Promoting and Supporting Welfare to Take Care of Employees Holistically
AIS has established a Welfare Committee within the workplace in accordance with Section 96 of the Labor Protection Act B.E. 2541. This committee aims to collaborate and provide counsel to employers on the provision of welfare benefits for employees. Additionally, it offers recommendations on beneficial welfare arrangements for employees and monitors the management of such welfare provisions by employers.
Furthermore, AIS has adopted principles and guidelines of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) by promoting and supporting employee welfare to develop their knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Additionally, the company encourages employee participation and fosters a pleasant work environment where individuals with diverse backgrounds can coexist happily. This includes implementing flexible work policies (such as work location and hours), with guidelines for supervisors to make appropriate decisions based on nature of work and personal needs of employees.
Childcare Support
Nursing Facilities
Promoting Employees’ Physical and Mental Health and Well-being
Medical and physical therapy facilities
Projects to promote employees’ health
Supporting and Development Quality of Employees with Disabilities
Development Quality of Employees with Disabilities
Performance Table
Topic Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total employees
Persons 13,975 12,909 13,141 11,448
Other employee diversit  
Employees with Disabilities
Persons 202 142 149 138
% 1.4 1.1 1.1 1.2
Training and Development  
Total Training Hours
Hours 517,165 422,422 374,737 272,753
Total Average Training
Hours/Person 37 32 29 24
Resignation (Permanent employee)  
Persons 573 830 1,151 1,343
Total turnover rate
% 6.12 9.15 12.86 16
Total Voluntary turnover
Persons 475 755 1,043 837
Voluntary turnover rate
% 5.07 8.32 11.66 10

Information concerning “Human Resources Management” can be found in the 2023 Sustainability Report.